The product comparison website aggregates comprehensive information about various products in a particular niche.
It organizes and presents this information to help potential buyers know more about a particular product and decide if they should buy it.
Why create a PCW?
PCWs popularity is high in today's world as multiple companies offer similar products, and PCWs help the buyers decide which company's product is right for them.
For example, if you want to buy a smartphone with a $500 budget, you'll find many confusing options to choose from.
This is where PCW sites come in to help you make the best decision by comparing all available options and providing other important information such as pricing, features, reviews, shipping, availability, discounts, offers, etc. in one place.
PCW sites provide significant value to the buyers as they help them save lots of their product research time.
How to get started:
There are three essential steps you must follow to build a successful PCW.
Step 1: Select your niche.
The success of any PCW depends on the rankings it achieves in search engines for the right keywords.
The higher ranking it achieves, the more increased traffic it generates and the more revenue it brings in.
There are thousands of functioning comparison sites, and amongst them, there are some giant whales that always rank on the top of search engines.
So while selecting a niche, you must ensure that you only enter a niche where you can rank your PCW at the top.
There's no use in selecting a niche where there are big PCWs ranking as you'll never be able to outrank them in search engines.
Select a small niche, where you'll find a competition that you can beat.
Next, be specific about the products you compare, at least in the beginning.
For example, select only upper body training products for comparison if you choose to get into the fitness niche.
Step 2: Built your comparison site
You can custom code your website and add custom features by hiring a web developer once your PCW starts making profits.
But if you're just starting, we would recommend you to create your PCW on the WordPress platform.
Rehub is a good WordPress theme designed specifically for creating PCWs, install it, and make your professional looking PCW without hiring a web developer.
Step 3: SEO
SEO is the core thing if done right, can earn you handsome profits from your PCW for a long time.
Here are a few tips for doing SEO right.
Select only those keywords where you can rank at the top
Select a high authority expired domain for your PCW
Do internal linking and on-page SEO right
Write informative articles related to products you're comparing
Run outreach campaign to get external backlinks to you PCW
How to make money:
Start monetizing by referring visitors to other online stores via affiliate links and earn commissions when they purchase the product.
Showcase products throughout your site and write sponsored reviews for a fee.
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