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Showing posts with the label Passive Income Ideas

Making Money with Instagram Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is definitely the internet's highly-loved social media platform. An online place where people share their life with photos, stories, and newly launched short videos feature Reels. Having a larger Instagram following means more leads, sales, or traffic to your blog. The reasons to start with Instagram are many. Instagram provides a higher organic reach than Facebook, the inbuilt search option offers more exposure to content, stories, and Reels help to improve follower engagement, and so on. Businesses leverage the power of Instagram to improve brand awareness, showcase their products, and promote them in a friendly way. 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business, and over 80% say it has helped them discover new products they purchased later on. Influencer marketing is a big thing on Instagram. People make a living out of it. Businesses spend a substantial amount of their social media budget on Instagram. Top Instagram infl

The Beginner's Guide to Making Money with Email Marketing

When they say that the money is in the list, this is what they are talking about.   The bigger your email list is, the bigger the audience you have to promote your offers.   This list can be generated from subscribers to your blog, website, social media or paid ads.   Within your email messages, you can add in links to your affiliate offers to make money. Just be sure that you are legally compliant with these emails. Who is this ideal for: This would be ideal for those who like to write persuasive content, specifically in an email format. What skills will you need: The most significant skill you will need is to be able to produce promotional emails that contain valuable content. How much time is required to get started: They say that the money is in the list, BUT it takes some time to build up that list.   You can expect to spend up to three months to build up a list big enough to make a profit from.   It can be done in as short an amount of time as one month, but the more time you sp

What Strategies Can You Use to Make Money on Teespring?

  TeeSpring is one of THE best ways to design your own clothing online.   The best part of the process is that TeeSpring handles the production and shipping to buyers.  All you need to do is create a design and market the product. Who is this ideal for: This is ideal for all creative types. If you are a writer and can come up with slogans, or if you are a painter or designer and want to produce shirts or other apparel with your designs, then this will be right up your alley. What skills will you need: You will need three skills to make this work. The first is your creative side, where you will need to come up with ideas, designs or sayings.   The second is to be able to get those out in a digital format by using digital design tools such as Adobe Illustrator, etc. The last is marketing, you will need to be able to promote your designs through channels such as social media, paid ads or content marketing. How much time is required to get started: The time required here would be to creat

How Can You Make Money Developing Apps for Free?

  Almost every person that owns a mobile phone owns one of the Smart Phone kind.   These phones run a variety of apps from banking to games to productivity, many have come to rely on these apps. If you have a passion for mobile apps, then you can start earning in this area. Who is this ideal for: This is ideal for the individual with some mobile app coding skills, or someone who has a passion for mobile app development and is willing to learn. What skills will you need: If you already have Android and iOS coding skills, then all you will need to do is understand how the mobile app stores function, doing app store optimization and learning to market your apps on them.   If you don’t have the coding skills, you can still create professional apps without coding using online app creator tools such as: If you already have knowledge of the Android platform or iOS platform, then you will be a step ahead. While this is helpful, it is by no

Make Money with WordPress Themes: A Step-by-Step Guide

  WordPress is a widely known Website Content Management System (CMS).   From the individual blogger to the large business owner and everything in between, it has become the go-to website builder of choice. While the ease of use makes it possible for most individuals to learn how to create and update their own website, the themes available allow for a professional look and feel to be had in a short amount of time.   These looks come from the vast amount of themes. WordPress users are searching daily for new themes. You could very well provide these for them. Who is this ideal for: This is ideal for the web designer, programmer or coder who is looking to diversify and utilize their current skill set. What skills will you need: The skills needed are very technical in nature.   You will need to understand the WordPress framework, as well as understand HTML, PHP and CSS.   These work in concert with one another when creating a theme. How much time is required to get started: This is depen

The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Your Facebook Page

When it comes to social media, Facebook is the undisputed king. It has more than 1.6 billion daily active users worldwide, a massive online platform where people visit every day. From a marketing perspective, it's a vast marketplace where anyone can market their products and services.  Facebook allows users to create pages that can be used for commercial purposes. Pages are different than personal profiles. They are designed to promote stuff on Facebook.  They have ads, retargeting, analytics, calls to action, and other features that help you promote things. Today thousands of businesses, service providers, individuals, etc. have their own Facebook pages. They all leverage the power of pages to reach their audience and promote their products and services. Facebook pages provide an excellent opportunity for someone who wants to build a stable online income stream. Who is this ideal for: Starting a Facebook page is suitable for someone who loves Facebook, and social media, loves to s

Make Money Online With Etsy Jobs From Home

  There are tons of people in this world who love to create. Whether that creative process involves things such as creating jewelry, painting or creating other handmade items, this is their passion. What is not their passion is finding a market that will buy their items.   Sure, there are those lucky few that can open a brick and mortar shop, or can find boutiques and other shops to carry their items, but what about the rest? Enter Etsy. When you think of it in simple terms, Etsy is basically the eBay of the handmade world. You’ll find a community of individuals selling their arts and crafts, handmade items or even supplies. The Etsy site garners around 30 million visitors a month and gives artists and designers a ready-made platform to display and sell their wares.   No need to figure out how to build a site to sell your items, Etsy can take care of the promoting, selling and payment collecting for you. Sellers on Etsy make up to one million dollars a year, just by selling on the plat

A Comprehensive Guide to CPA Marketing Jobs

  CPA, better known as Cost Per Action.   There is a cost for a visitor taking a specific action, and if you can cause them to initiate this action, then you get paid for it. In some cases, you can get paid REALLY well for it.   This action could be a variety of things such as submitting your email address, downloading a mobile app, asking for a quote or even signing up for a free trial. The most significant difference here is that you don’t need to sell anything at all to make a commission, all you need to do is get them to take one of the actions mentioned above, or whatever action being asked. CPA is basically a lead generation technique. There are a lot of companies out there who are ready, willing and able to pay top dollar for targeted leads.   While they will pay you for a lead, all you need to do is send them these leads, and they will take it from there.  Who is this ideal for: If you already own a website or are doing any type of affiliate marketing, then you will want to che

How to Make Money with Amazon Associates: A Comprehensive Guide

  You’ve heard of Amazon.   Who hasn’t, right?   It’s like saying Google or Yahoo.   If you already have a niche website, then you are losing out on a ton if you aren’t an Amazon Associate.   When you become one, you are allowed to create links on your website where you are able to earn a commission whenever someone clicks your link and makes a purchase. It’s standard affiliate marketing, but with a great twist. You are leveraging their vast shopping network. And with name recognition like Amazon, you know the credibility level automatically goes up. Who is this ideal for: Like we mentioned earlier, if you already have a blog or website, then you are missing out on sales if you aren’t an associate.   This would be an ideal fit for the individual who likes to create content (written, video, audio) for their site in their niche.  If you naturally like to create persuasive content, then you are already halfway there, and really just need to place a link within your site and content to get

A Beginner's Guide to Earning Money Through eBay

  There’s an excellent chance that you have used eBay some time in the past.   It may have been to buy a long lost video game from your youth, a fishing pole you were trying to find or even some small items for an event you were putting together. eBay is the name that many often think of when they are looking for new or used items to purchase.   It’s like the world’s biggest garage sale. You can find practically anything you can think of, from video games to sporting equipment and even cars – yes, cars. How eBay works: Someone puts something up for sale on the platform. As we mentioned above, there are TONS of items that people can sell. The seller will choose how the item will be sold. It will either be sold at an auction style with the winning bidder getting the item, or the seller will list it at a specific price. If the item is set for an auction-style listing, the bidding will begin at a minimum bid of the seller’s choosing and will remain up for a specific amount of days. Bids

How to Earn Money on Fiverr: A Comprehensive Overview

Fiverr is a website that connects buyers and sellers . This marketplace is primarily geared towards services that people perform for you, or tasks you can ask them to carry out. You can also find products here as well. The marketplace is HUGE with nearly 4.7 million visits per month. With traffic as high as that, your primary goal will be to try and get your piece of that traffic.   How Fiverr works: You offer what is called a Gig. A gig is a service that you may provide such as a voice over or a task you can perform such as data entry.   The system at Fiverr handles the promotion of your gig within their site. When a visitor finds your gig and wants to make a purchase, Fiverr will then handle the transaction for you. You focus all of your efforts on producing a great product or delivering high-quality stellar service so that you can collect and maintain high ratings, which in turn will help lead to more sales. You can list your gig at any price you want, but you may want to start with

Making Money with Udemy: A Comprehensive Guide

  Chances are good that you have already seen online learning websites. Today, nearly everything you want to learn can be found via an online course.  Udemy is a site that allows users to teach as well as learn . Once you designate the niche you want to enter, you can begin to create course content in video, audio, and plain text format.   The courses are available for self-study, at the pace the user is comfortable with and can be done from the device of their choosing. Who is this ideal for: This is ideal for the teacher at heart. If you enjoy explaining or teaching things to people, then you are halfway there.   If you like to help people solve their problems, then this may be just right for you. What skills will you need: The skills required here are threefold. The first, of course, is to know your subject well. A vast amount of knowledge will help you to create valuable content for your users. The second skill you will need is an ability to deliver the knowledge you have in a form

How to Make Money with Flippa

Flippa is a site where you can buy and sell a website. It’s an online marketplace allows buyers and sellers to connect.   For some individuals, this is an excellent way to build something of value and get paid for it. Who is this ideal for: This way is ideal for a niche site creator, blog creator who may not necessarily want to upkeep a website, but likes building and growing them.  What skills will you need: Most buyers are familiar with the WordPress platform, so you will need to learn how to build your site on it.   While the basics of HOW to build a WordPress site are required, you will also need other skills such as content creation and marketing.   You can also outsource this if you would like, but remember there is a cost involved to do so.  How much time is required to get started: Have you built out a WordPress site in the past? If the answer to this is “yes,” then your time requirement will be restricted to how long it took you to build out your last site.   If your answer

The Ultimate Guide to Making Money with Membership Sites

  A membership site can be as simple as an email list that receives content, a web portal that houses information on your topic or even a full-blown private website along with a forum where members can interact with one another. A membership site’s most attractive feature – recurring monthly income.   Members pay a monthly fee to become a part of a community, get value-driven content and learn more about the niche you have created your site in. Who is this ideal for: If you are the type of a person who likes talking to people, loved getting people involved in activities and like guiding them, then this may be ideal for you.   What skills will you need: There are two significant skills you will need. The first is knowledge about your subject at hand.   Sure, you can have general knowledge, but keep in mind that people won’t keep paying you a monthly fee if all you ever give them is general information that can be found elsewhere. This is where the second skill comes in handy. This skill

How to Maximize Your Profits on Kindle Direct Publishing

  Have you ever wanted to write a book before? Feel like it’s daunting? While it may have seemed daunting, the online marketplace has made this dream a reality through Kindle. It’s also a great way to create a passive income stream. The great thing about it is you can leverage the popularity of the largest shopping site – Amazon.   Yes, THE Amazon. More and more shoppers search Amazon as opposed to other search engines. When searchers want in-depth information about a topic they aren’t going to Google, they are going to Amazon and searching for books. Imagine how accomplished it would feel if you published a Kindle book on a topic and 100 or 1,000 or even 10,000 people searched for that very topic, and your book showed up, and they purchased it. Who is this ideal for: If that inner writer within you has been fighting to get out, then this may be just right for you.   This method is ideal for the individual with lots of knowledge in a specific area, or someone that enjoys doing researc

Niche Websites That Make Money: Unlocking the Potential of Your Business

  They say that you can go wide or you can go deep. The problem with going wide is that you are trying to focus on too many different things and hoping that the right people find you. When you go deep, you are really niche-ing it out. Just as the name implies, a niche is a particular area. Instead of a broad general topic, you would be choosing one specific topic and focusing your website around that. A niche website can be a few pages or can even be several hundred pages. An example of a niche website would be “Beginners Tennis For Elementary Age Children.”   Instead of focusing on Tennis, you are focusing specifically on children who are beginners. Who is this ideal for: This is ideal for an individual who has a very specific interest in a very broad area.   Just as in our example above, if someone enjoys tennis, but would rather focus on teaching beginners or even kids who are beginners, then a niche would work out well. This is also ideal if you enjoy speaking, writing or teaching