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How to Earn Money on Fiverr: A Comprehensive Overview

how to earn money on fiverr

Fiverr is a website that connects buyers and sellers.

This marketplace is primarily geared towards services that people perform for you, or tasks you can ask them to carry out. You can also find products here as well.

The marketplace is HUGE with nearly 4.7 million visits per month. With traffic as high as that, your primary goal will be to try and get your piece of that traffic.  

How Fiverr works:

You offer what is called a Gig. A gig is a service that you may provide such as a voice over or a task you can perform such as data entry.  

The system at Fiverr handles the promotion of your gig within their site.

When a visitor finds your gig and wants to make a purchase, Fiverr will then handle the transaction for you.

You focus all of your efforts on producing a great product or delivering high-quality stellar service so that you can collect and maintain high ratings, which in turn will help lead to more sales.

You can list your gig at any price you want, but you may want to start with the minimum $5 if you are new.  

You can always increase your price later and even add on more gigs to offer.

The marketplace has a wide variety of gigs. You’ll find things like graphic designers, marketers, musicians, and web designers, to just about anything else you can think of.  

What you will find is that some of the top sellers on Fiverr make over $50,000 a year JUST by using the marketplace.

It’s one among the easy ways to make money online.

Excited yet? Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect on Fiverr.

Who is this ideal for:

This is ideal for service providers, or those who like to help and work for others, but may be looking for a bit of freedom to work remotely.  

For instance, if you enjoy things such as writing and have been looking for a way to write as a way to bring in some income but needed some flexibility, then you can offer content writing services there.

This is just one small example of whom this would be ideal for.

What skills will you need:

This depends on the gig you want to offer. There’s an excellent chance that you have a marketable skill that you can sell – RIGHT NOW.  

Just take a quick look at what you are good at, what you like to do and what you have a lot of knowledge in.

If you can figure out how that skill can help someone else, then you may have a viable gig to sell.

How much money will you need to invest:

There are two-time requirements here. The first is to get set up. Luckily, on Fiverr, you can do so in an hour or so.

Keep in mind that you will want to optimize your listing so that it all works well for you to get found.  

Keep your title, image, description and relevant keywords in mind as you craft your listing.

The second will be actually to carry out the service or task. This will depend on what you plan on doing and how long it will personally take you to do it.  

Some helpful tips:

1) Do what you are already good at 

Take some time to list out what you are already really good at.  

If you can create a website pretty quickly and enjoy doing that, then offer that as your first gig. Starting off with what you are already good at will put you ahead of the game.

2) Do some research  

While you may think that the service you’re planning to offer is an excellent idea, the real benchmark will be whether or not other people are willing to pay you for it.  

Do some research online and within the platform to see if what you want to sell will actually be bought.

3) Don’t reinvent the wheel  

Study other gigs in your domain, look at what they are doing and what is working and emulate it. DO NOT COPY. Please read that last line again.  

You aren’t going to copy what they are doing, all you are doing is following what is working. 

You should look at the following vital metrics while studying other gigs:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Pricing strategy
  • Images
  • Upsell strategy
  • Bonus strategy

4) Create a catchy title  

Here is where you will win or lose a TON of people.  

Since you have already done your research, you already know what people are looking for within your service area.  

Do they want something fast, something that they aren’t locked into or something they may want to change at a later time? Here’s how you can appeal to those individuals.

Using logo creation as an example, let’s take a look at these three titles AND see how they appeal different audience:

“I’ll design 3 STUNNING logos in 24 hours.”  

This appeals to someone who wants something fast. Using persuasive and robust words such as stunning also draws them in.

“I’ll design a PROFESSIONAL logo with unlimited revisions.”  

This will appeal to someone looking for a logo for their business that wants to know that they can make suggestions and get changes if need be. Notice the strong keyword again.

“I’ll design 3 MAGNIFICENT logos AND include A BONUS Editable File.”  

This will appeal to the person who may have some design skills who may also want to be able to change it up in the future.

5) Choose the right image  

You have already seen what other images are working for others in the same service area as you.  

Now it’s time to upload a picture of your own. Once you have an idea, you can use a site like Pixlr or BeFunky to create and edit your image.

6) Choose the correct description and listing  

This will play a key role in getting people to purchase your gig. What you can do is study the descriptions that others use that are working, and follow suit.  

Again, you are not going to copy it, but rather see what words they may be using and what they are saying and model your description after theirs.

One reason you don’t want to copy? You, Will, Be Banned. 

7) List your gig in the right category 

If you miss listing your gig in the right category, you will be missing out on getting the right people to your gig’s page.

8) Use the correct tags  

Don’t skip out on this one. Many service providers don’t realize just how vital it is to use the correct tags.  

When placed side to side with a similar gig, the one with the right and relevant tags will outrank the other.

How to make money:

You make money when people place an order with you.  

While it may take some time to build up, what you will find is the higher your ratings are and the more of them you have, the more sales you can expect to make.

If you consistently deliver top-notch work and take care of your clients, then those ratings will grow organically. Just do your part and deliver high-quality work at all times.

Fiverr will handle the rest so that you can get paid.


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