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How to Make Money with Amazon Associates: A Comprehensive Guide


how to make money with amazon associates

You’ve heard of Amazon.  

Who hasn’t, right?  

It’s like saying Google or Yahoo.  

If you already have a niche website, then you are losing out on a ton if you aren’t an Amazon Associate.  

When you become one, you are allowed to create links on your website where you are able to earn a commission whenever someone clicks your link and makes a purchase.

It’s standard affiliate marketing, but with a great twist.

You are leveraging their vast shopping network. And with name recognition like Amazon, you know the credibility level automatically goes up.

Who is this ideal for:

Like we mentioned earlier, if you already have a blog or website, then you are missing out on sales if you aren’t an associate.  

This would be an ideal fit for the individual who likes to create content (written, video, audio) for their site in their niche. 

If you naturally like to create persuasive content, then you are already halfway there, and really just need to place a link within your site and content to get people to click through.

What skills will you need:

The skills you will need will be to create content that will gently nudge people to click through your links.  

The ability to persuade and move people will move things in your favor. 

You will also need to be able to work with and build out on platforms where you will be able to place your links.  

If you are versed in areas such as Blogger and WordPress, then your learning curve will be much better than others.

How much time is required to get started:

The time requirement here will be more so in the approval process.

You would need to sign up on the Amazon Associate program and let them know what your website is about during the application process.

They will then take a look at your site and analyze whether it is a good fit. They need to see if what you are basing your site around fits their standards.

This process could take several days and in some cases up to 5 days.

Once you receive approval, you can then check and see what products related to your website would make sense.  

All that’s left after that is to get your links and place them within your site.

Some helpful tips:

1) Limit confusion 

Find the products that are most relevant to your website domain.

If your site were focused on dog grooming, then it wouldn’t make much sense to promote yoga products.

2) Place links in your content 

Readers trust your content more than anything else on your site.

If you can create valuable content, then place a link where it makes sense, and you’ll have a much better click-through rate.  

For instance, if you just wrote an article on the top 10 grooming tips for Golden Retrievers, then placing a link to a product for Golden Retrievers at the end of your content would make sense.

3) Use pictures 

Pictures grab attention. People naturally gravitate towards photos.  

The nice thing about Amazon Associates is that they allow you to use a product’s image on your site.

Use these photos throughout your site and make them clickable to your relevant products.

4) Produce product reviews 

Most people looking to buy need some help.

If you thoroughly review a product in an unbiased fashion, then you’ll make it much easier for someone to click your link to make a purchase.  

Answer all of the questions a person may have about a product, and you’ll be doing them a favor.

After they are done, they just may do one for you by clicking through and buying.

5) Just point them there 

Your job is to send them traffic.

Amazon will take care of the rest. And don’t feel bad if they don’t purchase the product you sent them to.  

The great thing about Amazon Associates is that you get a commission on any sale that is made through your link within 24 hours.  

For instance, if they go to Amazon and keep browsing and end up buying a bunch of other products, other than your offer, then you make a commission on those products too.

6) Build trust  

When you build trust with your website visitors, they will come back to you again and again.

However, you can only build this trust through providing valuable content, connecting with them on a regular basis and showing them that you care about them, and not just about what they can do for you.  

The more trust you can build, the more they will look to you as a trusted advisor and guess who they will go to when they want to make a purchase related to your niche?

That’s right, they’ll go to you.

How to make money:

You make money when people click through your link and make ANY purchase.  

Amazon handles all of the payments and commissions, so all you need to do is create great content and point them in the right direction.


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