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The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Your Facebook Page

How to monetize Facebook page

When it comes to social media, Facebook is the undisputed king.

It has more than 1.6 billion daily active users worldwide, a massive online platform where people visit every day.

From a marketing perspective, it's a vast marketplace where anyone can market their products and services. 

Facebook allows users to create pages that can be used for commercial purposes.

Pages are different than personal profiles. They are designed to promote stuff on Facebook. 

They have ads, retargeting, analytics, calls to action, and other features that help you promote things.

Today thousands of businesses, service providers, individuals, etc. have their own Facebook pages.

They all leverage the power of pages to reach their audience and promote their products and services.

Facebook pages provide an excellent opportunity for someone who wants to build a stable online income stream.

Who is this ideal for:

Starting a Facebook page is suitable for someone who loves Facebook, and social media, loves to share knowledge, and interact with lots of people.

What skills will you need:

Writing valuable and attention fetching posts are the essential skills that you'll require.

You'll also require other vital skills, such as conducting research, interacting with your target audience, promoting your page, creating post images, running ads, etc.

How much money will you need to invest:

There are free strategies to grow a Facebook page organically, and there are paid ones.

Get started with the organic ones and then move on to paid ones once your page starts gaining traction.

The money you need to invest here will depend on three factors, the number of followers you want to gain, your niche, and the country you wish to obtain your followers from.

How much time is required to get started:

Creating a Facebook page is a pretty easy and self-explanatory process. 

You'll be required to enter page name, page username, page profile picture, cover image, and you would be good to go.

Once your page is ready, you can start publishing posts immediately.

Some helpful tips:

1) Understand people's psychology on Facebook (FB)

Before you can start to think about creating your first FB page, you must understand the psychology of people visiting FB.

Facebook is an online platform where people visit to be in touch with their friends, make new friends, build connections, share things from their lives, stay updated with the things going around the world, and get entertained.

It's a place where people come to relax, refresh their mood, and reduce their stress.

Once you understand this, growing a page on Facebook becomes easy.

It helps you present your page and its posts in a way that people find them valuable as well as entertaining.

2) Get to know your niche on FB

Conduct detailed research and find out everything you can around your niche on FB.

Start with digging out pages, groups, companies, and influential personalities in your niche and follow them.

Once you have the list, look for the following vital things to collect more data.

  • How many followers pages have?
  • What are they doing to engage their audience?
  • What is the average number of likes their posts get?
  • Which posts have the highest likes, shares, and comments?
  • What are the audience's expectations?
  • Which topics commonly perform well across pages?
  • How they maintain the look and feel of their page?

All this data will help you uncover popular and evergreen topics, audience's demands, audience size, how your audience engages, etc.

3) Create your first FB page

Before you create your first FB page, you must have a clear idea about your niche and the audience you are going to serve.

When you create a page, you'll have to come up with three critical things that you need to attract with your audience.

The page name, profile and cover picture, engaging posts

1) Page name

The page name is the most most important thing that you have to decide about.

It's the first thing that any potential follower will notice and decide whether they want to view it and later follow it.

Pick a page name that instantly relates to your target audience. 

It shouldn't necessarily be fancy but something that strikes a chord with your audience, something they should feel they are a part of.

For instance, if your target audience is someone who loves wave surfing and belongs to California, you can pick a page name like "California Surfers Club," "California Surf Lovers," etc.

2) Profile and cover picture

Profile and cover pic is the first thing your potential follower will see when they visit your page.

You want to use a profile pic that relates to your page name and a cover image that immediately hooks visitors.

The best way to hook a visitor is to use a message or a question on the cover image that instantly connects with them.

Looking at our previous surfing example, you can use a surfer's image as a profile picture, and a question like "Want to become a pro surfer?" written on an image of a big wave in the background as a cover image.

3) Engaging posts

Once your page is ready, use the data you gathered from research and create 5 to 6 remarkably engaging and valuable posts so that when new visitors check your page, they should be impressed, and your page shouldn't look like a ghost town.

4) Set your personal FB profile for promoting your page

Your personal FB profile is going to be the base that will help you gain your first set of page followers.

Present yourself as someone expert in your niche on FB at first. 

The goal here is to let people in your friend circle know that you've in-depth knowledge of your niche.

Start by continuously posting niche-related informative posts on your personal profile.

Share niche-related stuff.

Next, add your page link to your profile. 

This will help others know that you've created a FB page and where to find it.

5) Grow your FB page

Here we share a step-by-step strategy to gain the first few hundred followers and get traction on your page.

Step 1: Invite your existing friends to like your page

It's the most basic and logical step to get your very first page likes.

Some of you might think that my friends are not interested in my niche or business, why should I invite them to like my page?

We know all your friends won't be your customers in the future, but they can be your biggest cheerleaders and referrals source.

Plus, they'll provide social proof to your new page, so when the right audience visits your page, they won't find it dead or inactive.

Step 2: Participate in the discussions

Start engaging in discussions on the niche-related pages and groups you're are following.

Ask valid and important questions there, provide solutions to people's problems.

Share your findings, achievements, observations, and ideas.

Cheerlead other people, reply to comments.

Your goal here is to build new connections with the people in your niche while genuinely helping them as well as building your authority.

When people on pages and groups start recognizing you, they'll visit your profile or start sending you friend requests.

Once they're on your FB profile, they'll see your FB posts and page, and if you've prepared your page as we have explained above, they'll like and follow it, thus growing your page organically.

Step 3: Start paid promotions

Start paid promotions only when you've got a few hundred page likes, have tested, and discovered a few engaging posts.

Now take engaging posts and start boosting them in the countries where you want to get more likes.

As engaging posts have proven themselves by performing well with the existing page audience, they have a greater chance of performing well with a broader audience and fetching more likes to your page.

Step 4: Do live videos

Live video is an excellent gateway for sharing content in real-time. It creates a real and transparent connection with your followers. 

People get to see you, talk to you, understand your personality, and get answers to their questions live. 

It's the best way to bond with your followers.  

The more frequently you talk to people live, the more they trust you. And if they trust you, they'll listen to you.

Step 5: Show up

The best thing you can do for your page is to show up regularly.

This means keep your page active daily.

Create new posts on the page, interact with your followers, enlighten them with the latest knowledge, do live videos, share some great niche related stuff, and so on.

How to make money:

There are various methods that you can use to monetize your FB page. 

But before starting monetization, you must build your loyal follower base first.

We recommend that you gain at least 1000 followers who regularly participate in page discussions prior to promoting anything.

That said, now, let's look into some of the best methods to earn from your FB page.

1) Promote affiliate products

The fastest and the easiest way to monetize your FB page.

Find multiple products, services, courses related to your niche, and signup for their affiliate programs.

Write a creative post which informs your followers about the product and paste your affiliate link.

You can promote multiple products on your page, remember one thing, always promote products you've tried, tested, and believe that they'll genuinely help your followers.

2) Drive traffic to a website or a YouTube channel

Post a link to any relevant blog or a YouTube video on your page and drive traffic there.

Monetize the traffic by placing Ads, growing subscribers, or building an email list.

3) Do influencer marketing

Get paid to promote other niche-related pages, brand pages, and influencers on your page to help them grow their following.

Some will ask you for a one-time promotion, while others might want you to promote them for a while.

You can charge them per promotional post you publish or on a weekly or monthly basis.

4) Sell physical merchandise

Once you've gathered a strong base of active and raving followers on your page, use this monetization method.

Depending upon your niche can sell any merchandise, such as t-shirts, caps, mugs, backpacks, sneakers, wristwatches, and so on.

Taking our surfing example, you can sell surfer themed t-shirts, watches, bags, etc. Or even surfer equipment such as surfboards, fins, wetsuits, etc. 


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