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Make Money with WordPress Themes: A Step-by-Step Guide


make money with wordpress themes

WordPress is a widely known Website Content Management System (CMS).  

From the individual blogger to the large business owner and everything in between, it has become the go-to website builder of choice.

While the ease of use makes it possible for most individuals to learn how to create and update their own website, the themes available allow for a professional look and feel to be had in a short amount of time.  

These looks come from the vast amount of themes. WordPress users are searching daily for new themes. You could very well provide these for them.

Who is this ideal for:

This is ideal for the web designer, programmer or coder who is looking to diversify and utilize their current skill set.

What skills will you need:

The skills needed are very technical in nature.  

You will need to understand the WordPress framework, as well as understand HTML, PHP and CSS.  

These work in concert with one another when creating a theme.

How much time is required to get started:

This is dependent upon your individual level of expertise in WordPress theme development.

Some helpful tips:

1) Watch  

Take a look at the WordPress themes that are already on the market. Watch and take note of the ones that are already selling well and have an established buying audience.

2) Understand your market  

If you plan on working with just one market area such as dentists, then you need to understand better what web designers are looking for in this area.  

  • Are there issues with other themes in this niche area?
  • What are they looking for when it comes to themes?
  • Are they looking for specific functionality?  

Answer these questions, and you’ll be a step ahead of the competition.

3) Solve their problems  

Take all of the information you gathered in your research, and create themes that solve the issues current web designers are experiencing in their given niche.

How to make money:

There are a variety of ways you can sell your themes, but there are two specific ways you can do so.  

One gets you more revenue but may be more challenging, while the other gets you less revenue and is less challenging.

Here’s a look at both:

1) Sell them yourself on your own website  

If you have created several WordPress themes, then you can sell them from your own website, but you will need to get traffic there to make sales.

2) Sell them on established marketplaces 

There are three marketplaces you can sell from that get millions of visits, but you must give up half of your revenue on each sale.  

However, there’s less work for you to do.

These sites are and


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