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Copywriting Jobs from Home: A Comprehensive Guide


Freelance copywriting jobs from home

Someone needs to write sales copy for products and services, why not you?

A copywriter’s primary purpose is to persuade someone to make a purchase.

The writer’s job is to push all of the right buttons to sell someone on something.  

In fact, going into it, the person may be partially thinking about purchasing, but if the copy is good enough, in the end, the person will end up making a purchase.

Who is this ideal for:

This is ideal for anyone who enjoys writing persuasively and is willing to learn more about the craft of writing.

What skills will you need:

Copywriting has been around for ages.

The only real skill you will need is the ability to write. The rest you can learn.

In fact, each copywriting job may be different.  

You may need to read up on your audience, learn what they like and dislike and what they want. This kind of research will help you better create your copy.

How much time is required to get started:

Writing is a skill that most people have. Writing excellent and persuasive copy is a skill that takes time to learn.  

The time required will be dependent on the person’s current skill level not just in writing, but also in persuasive writing.

Time will also be needed to learn about various concepts and behaviors that push people to buy.

Some helpful tips:

1) Study Copy  

You can learn from the greats like Dan Kennedy. Read their copy, get their books and see what they are doing that works.  

2) Learn to love advertising  

The more you dive into it, the better you will get at it.

Learn to love advertising, from reading magazine headlines to listening to someone persuade another to take a specific action.  

The more you get into it, the more you will learn and the more natural it will become.

3) Practice  

You can’t get better at it if you don’t practice. Even if you aren’t hired yet to write, just start writing your own copy.

If you have a website, then write the copy for your site. The more you do it, the better you will get.

How to make money:

You can earn a lot of money as a copywriter. In some cases, you can get paid thousands of dollars for just a few pages of copy.  

If you are just starting out, then you may want to get some experience and some pieces written as a sample, before you start charging higher rates.

You can start off by writing the copy for any products you may be promoting on your site, or even for websites of friends you may have.  

Remember, you’ll get better with more practice, so just keep writing.

If you don’t have someone you can write for, then you can sign up as a freelance writer at a number of different sites.  

Here are some of them:  

  • Upwork.Com

At last, we hope this article might have helped you to discover some really good ways to make money online.


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